Sunday, October 19, 2008

Yuhuu.. i feel so happy..emm, guess what?..I get all new stuff and all new things to my sweet room..ahaks..Yuhuu!!!
All ive dream before, comes true today..ehem, n after this i wanna decorate my roon and design it as well as in 7 star hotel's, u wanna guess what is it??
The answer is, ive get the new set of bed, big cupboard ( to put all my things) and new desk to facial my face..hehe..The happiest things is i do not sleep in a small bed anymore( single size bed) can' t imagine how??..
All the things will be mine tonight..So, i'll take so many photos( before and after)..Ops, like 'casa impian' laks..hehe..
Will be continue tonight..Bubye


marinahunny said...

wahhh..dpt set bilik tdo baru ye...........huhuu...blh lah g menumpang tdo.....ekekeke

Homemade muruku said...

kak na soram leh lh..klu nak ber honeymoon payah las kot..haha..nie addicted dgn joe las nie..hehe